His verse later leaked under the name 'Santa Clause'.
However, the album leaked in its entirety April 7, 2011, a little under a month before its release.
The roof leaked under the downpour.
They could have melted down -become just a thread of stuff and leaked under a door to re-collect on the other side.
There are certain statutes that prohibit certain types of classified information being leaked under certain circumstances.
Water had leaked ' s under the window sill and formed a spreading pool, dark in ;!
The blindfold was too tight to allow him to see anything, but light leaked under the edge, and from that, he could judge the changing time of day.
"Sweet Dreams" was leaked under its original title the day after it was recorded in March 2008, eight months before the album's release.
(Water had leaked onto the floor under his cooking station.)
Over the years, government studies have concluded that the spill had leaked 17 million gallons of oil under more than 50 acres of Greenpoint.