She leaned back languidly, tossing ginger hair over her shoulder.
The photo showed Amalie from the waist up, leaning languidly, artistically, against the trunk of a huge tree.
Felicia Collins leaned languidly against the doorway, saying nothing, just staring at Daggat.
White orchids leaning languidly over the fountain.
Kempt young professionals, also in white, leaning languidly over the wine bar.
Sir Philip, who had been languidly leaning back against the tree trunk, sat bolt upright.
Louisa languidly leaned upon the window looking out, without looking at anything, while young Thomas stood sniffing revengefully at the fire.
She leaned languidly against one of the trees with her arms crossed on her chest.
Real fast, we changed the pose and leaned back languidly like movie stars.
Advertising the Debussy to come, she draped herself over the piano, leaning languidly backward in anticipation of the music.