Planting both fists on the table, he leaned menacingly over Robinton.
Begsie leaned menacingly through the window, clearly cagey about getting too deeply involved with someone he didn't know.
He would then lean toward me menacingly and say, "I'll see to it that you do."
He leant over her menacingly, pushing her deeper into the pillows.
Daniel leaned forward menacingly, and Toby just happened to blow cigar smoke in his face.
A shuttered window clacked open and a double-chinned woman leaned menacingly over the sill.
The Spaniard half rose from the table and leaned across it menacingly toward Kraski.
His eyes narrowed as he leaned menacingly toward the kender.
Mr Tulip was leaning menacingly against the wall.
Ornery leaned menacingly toward her, but his numbed hand wasn't following orders.