Keren leaned back thoughtfully, humming a bit of melody.
He leaned thoughtfully on the edge of the command chair as a female voice issued through the bridge speaker.
Calhoun leaned forward thoughtfully as if closer examination might yield some bit of information that he'd previously missed.
He glanced over his shoulder when they were twenty yards along the carpet and was surprised to see her still leaning thoughtfully against the door.
Lament leaned on his long staff and frowned thoughtfully.
Isaac leant thoughtfully on the railing and looked down into the dusty space.
Vanderhyde was leaning back thoughtfully in his chair, like a meticulous juror at some trial.
Toranaga thoughtfully leaned forward and put some more aromatic wood on the brazier.
Hugh turned to the skipper who leaned thoughtfully on the side of his ship watching.
He leans forward thoughtfully: 'Well, it really means that you're not really Indian.