I leaned there for a minute with my eyes shut.
Vulkan leaned forward with his eyes wide open.
He leaned back, with his eyes set on the entrance, and half slept, oblivious to the cold, waiting impatiently for morning to come.
Amun panted and sat up, leaning his head back with his eyes closed.
Graine was leaning against her mother with her eyes shut and did not want to open them.
Reacher sat completely still in the front passenger seat and Neagley leaned forward from the back with her eyes locked on the road ahead.
I made up the fire, and then, leaning back, with my eyes fixed on it, let my thoughts roam at will.
Mike Walsh was leaning forward with his eyes on Wolfe narrower than ever.
Dinny leaned forward with her eyes on his.
She leaned forward slowly with her eyes locked on mine, her lips slightly parted.