With the last killing, the level of violence leapt dramatically.
But the real climax of the piece is actual lightning that, at 30-minute intervals and thanks to a Tesla-coil transformer, leaps dramatically between two steel chairs in a mesh cage.
When their newspaper was shown as a lead story in all major Australian news broadcasts, not only was the headline widely spread, the concept and the popularity of the newspaper leapt dramatically.
And, as is evident in Ridley Scott's film Gladiator (2000), the arena was dotted with trap-doors designed to let animals leap dramatically into the fray.
To make absolutely sure that he would play the hand, he leaped dramatically to seven no-trump and was doubled.
A modern American idea, for responding hands that clearly justify a slam venture, is to leap dramatically to the six-level in a four-card suit.
A view of the sun in eclipse supported that statement as flares leaped dramatically from behind the eclipsing moon's disk.
Contributions to the Rev. Jesse Jackson's Presidential campaign leaped dramatically in the first two months of this year as the campaign started to build a sophisticated fund-raising operation.
Cohen gently bid two diamonds, and leaped dramatically to six diamonds after hearing hearts on his left, a diamond raise from North and spades on his right.
Rex took the gun in one hand, turned the handle with the other, kicked open the door and leapt dramatically into the studio.