No doubt something of the same was in Favin's mind when he leaped to his death.
Rather than speak of what he found, Favin had leaped to his death.
But he chose to leap to his death rather than face interrogation.
A 41-year-old woman leapt to her death yesterday from the window of a burning 17th-floor apartment, the authorities said.
After a brave defense, he is reported to have wrapped himself in the national flag and leaped to his death.
According to other versions, the pope leaps to his death.
A senior on the dean's list leapt to her death from a 20th-floor window.
What was the name of the cliff from which several characters leaped to their death?
Then, as the soldiers ran to that side, a third leaped to his death.
He went to unoccupied offices on the same floor and leaped to his death, officials said.