He had a mind that leaped unexpectedly.
However, at the last moment, Hippolyta unexpectedly leaps in front of Theseus, taking the arrow meant for him.
Hassop leaped to one side unexpectedly as Reich let the arrow fly.
One of the creatures unexpectedly leaped the last two strides, landing on top of Caeled with a bonejarring thud.
Nialli Apuilana listened, astonished, as words broke loose inside her and leaped unexpectedly to her own tongue.
But one of the seven mild men unexpectedly leaped into distinction, by saying he had known him, and adding - 'always wore Hessian boots!'
The tracers from the ship's weapons leapt unexpectedly.
Behind them, Pen leapt unexpectedly to his feet, barking.
Yani, having put down Alyx, leapt unexpectedly from behind the bed-curtain, drawing her sword.
Weems maneuvered for position, then leaped unexpectedly into the air, and it was a goodly leap, as they were playing on strictly Lunar gravity.