His father was a music teacher and Svendsen learned both the violin and clarinet from him.
He was encouraged by his mother to learn piano and later learned clarinet and saxophone while attending Marlborough College.
She began training as a classical pianist at age 4, moving on to also learn clarinet, guitar, cello, vocals, organ, and violin.
My own method was to learn the piano, clarinet, and saxophone early on, and then (helped by a pawnbroker) investigate almost every orchestral instrument.
He took piano lessons and also learnt clarinet.
Slightly has learned clarinet in his adulthood, and his playing saves the League from a particularly dangerous situation.
Dixon learned clarinet from age seven, later adding saxophone and flute to play in dance bands.
Brooks became a pupil at the renowned Alpha Boys School aged 11, where he learned music theory and clarinet.
As a youngster, Welch learned clarinet, switching to guitar in his early teens.
Urso learned clarinet as a child and switched to tenor sax while in high school.