Haven't you learned anything from the last 17 years?
Today we have chosen a different course, based on what we learned from the past 20 years.
But have we learned nothing from the last 20 years of conspiracy and scandal?
The company's new general counsel declared recently that Microsoft was "older and wiser, and we've learned from the last five years."
If the situation came to that, nothing will have been learned from the 10 years of fighting in Nicaragua.
The problem is that he talks about poverty in an obsolete way, which suggests he has learned nothing from the past 40 years.
Loring followed her; they entered with quiet precision learned from the long years in the wards.
"He seems to have learned nothing from the eight years of his Presidency."
Everything you need to know about Scotland's curriculum including guidance on how children learn from the early years to 18.
According to Adrienne Germain, that is the main lesson we should learn from the past 50 years.