Today most shamans are elderly, members of the last generation to have fully learned native lore.
He learned Arabic and Persian, as well as Sufi lore.
I thought he looked too young, to have learned so much lore as those people are required to know.
But it's important to stress after 35 years that the Fox learned his earliest moves and lore in the ball-and-beer joints.
In childhood, Gladys learned traditional practices, beliefs, and lore from nanus, respected elder women.
It's a task that obliges you to learn much strange lore.
Belaney set about learning their language and lore while conducting a relationship with co-worker Angele Egwuna.
He is Tommy's favourite child and learns bush lore and bush fire fighting from him.
Hattie had learned what herb lore she could from a neighbor in Pennsylvania, but she was aware of how little she knew.
We would also learn the legends and lore of the Adirondack Mountains.