I hoped she would not be too hurt to learn of his marriage.
I was very disappointed to learn of your marriage, Sheridan, and am concerned for your happiness.
Gray learns of Segal's unhappy marriage and they plan to make a new life together.
I was glad to receive it; but I was sorry to learn of your marriage.
When she learned of his previous marriage, she sued for divorce.
They are shocked to learn of Aamir's second marriage, which Abginey had not told them of.
One month later, Elizabeth's father died of a stroke, and had never learned of his daughter's marriage.
He had seen her from time to time and she had been pained to learn of his marriage to so fine a lady.
When Zinia learns of his marriage, she becomes extremely upset.
The children of the Duchess refused to meet with her after they had learned of her second marriage.