Also, given the consequences of a bad spell, and the arrogance of many gifted youngsters, trying to learn sorcery alone could be equally fatal.
As Darque learned sorcery, the formulas tattooed themselves on his body from the inside out, completely covering him with evil writing.
I was seventeen, divinely married, and learning sorcery in southern France.
It isn't that as time goes by you're learning sorcery; rather, what you're learning is to save energy.
Belisario made another offer to take don Juan with him to Durango to learn sorcery.
Not so long ago, I was learning sorcery in a bog.
I don't know of a time when she did, but she didn't tell me everything, especially when I was young and learning sorcery.
Children learn sorcery by walking the paths and ley lines that criss-cross the island.
He learned sorcery after he was turned into a vampire, because his mage powers have faded since then.
During this time, he learned sorcery and magic, supplementing his mystical training with a military education.