In addition further adult learning courses are run at the college through the learndirect and Nextstep schemes.
In addition, the university reaches out to the community with credit and non-credit lifelong learning courses.
The project provides distant learning courses for the University of the South Pacific.
Hess has several adult learning courses and is planning a high school curriculum.
I'm doing an open learning course in Communication 4 at the moment, which may help.
We would not want, however, students to spend nearly all their time with the last two, as tends to happen in some problem-based learning courses.
Adult learning courses are also offered, as well as a nursery for preschool children.
If the community is an online learning course, then students will begin to discuss course content.
The foundation supports educational projects worldwide and provides active learning courses for all ages.
Since September 2007, adult graduates can take any distributed learning course for free.