Gateway has long offered lease financing and Internet service bundled with its computers for one monthly payment.
"Yet a major U.S. financial institution estimates that an additional $11 billion will be required to cover those costs beyond lease financing and returns from operating cash flow."
Do they prefer lease financing?
Ltd., that helped pioneer the lease financing of machinery and industrial equipment for Japan's booming manufacturing base.
Before lease financing was applied to the solar industry, most customers experienced a return on their investment in solar-energy equipment only after many years.
The Prudential-Bache analyst said that "to the extent that interest rates decline further, more utilities might become interested in some kind of lease financing."
Ford has not said under what conditions a used car would qualify for lease financing.
UBS said it would sharply reduce its international lending, as well as investment in distressed loans, lease financing, commodities trading and other niches.
In addition to wealth management, the bank also performs brokerage services, bond trading, lease financing, and correspondent banking.
The company offers cash management services, lease financing, debit cards, online banking, and other electronically accessed banking services.