Bell received very little formal education during his childhood but served a three-year apprenticeship to a leather tanner.
The first mayor of Roxton Falls, from 1863 was John Wood, a leather tanner who had moved to that area in 1851.
Some worked as leather tanner and mostly used to work as slave labor.
Vaughan was born on December 19, 1905 in Salem, Massachusetts, as the son of a wealthy leather tanner and shoe manufacturer.
Rose, the son of a wealthy leather tanner, was born in Warsaw, Poland.
He was the son of a leather tanner and his low origins were frankly displayed in all he did.
Writing to his father, he observed that while the leather tanner employed large sums of capital, his seeming strength was illusory because of his heavy expenses.
Her father is the vice chairman of the Howes Leather Company, a leather tanner in Quincy, Mass.
Giuseppe Galliano, the crime family's boss, was originally a leather tanner by trade.
His father was a leather tanner and boot and shoe maker and a descendant of early colonial families of Massachusetts.