He wore dark glasses and black leather costume adorned with multiple gold chains.
As the lyrics started, Elena entered the stage in a black head-to-toe leather costume and wearing a cap that she immediately took off.
The show featured Rihanna wearing revealing leather costumes during each show.
It presented a whole new image as she wore very provocative and revealing leather costumes during each show.
"I'll just go in and change these togs," said Mary, as she alighted and looked at her leather costume.
At first embarrassed by her skin color, she begins wearing a leather costume that covers her from head to toe.
The girls were resting quietly; Perkins was removing his leather costume.
A crowd arguing for changes on a minority affairs panel included a man in a leather Indian costume with a feathered headdress.
Her leather costume began to smoulder and stretch, but she kept on increasing her temperature.
Plus, Hoffman looked ridiculous in that dark-purple leather costume.