She stood and adjusted a large leather handbag over her shoulder.
She had a large brown leather handbag over her shoulder and a cigarette in her right hand.
There was much more in that small quilted leather handbag than a key to the house.
There are also quilted leather handbags, a $40 value, for $14.97.
One hand clutched her leather handbag, the other clasped his.
Must have a bit of money to drive a car, and that great leather handbag had cost something, he shouldn't wonder.
The bag wasn't hers; she carried a white leather handbag.
She opened her blue leather handbag and, with no fingering or digging, took something from it.
At 5:45, I grabbed my big leather handbag and went out again, locking up.
"Sound thinking," observed Beatrice, and started throwing things into her good leather handbag.