Beneath her hands and seat, the animal felt as cold as death, right through the heavy leather saddle.
Across a chair in an anteroom rests a black leather saddle.
At least he seemed resigned to sitting in a leather saddle.
Traditional leather saddles such as those made by Brooks have been used for many years.
The mare took a step forward, so that the two men faced each other over the polished leather saddle.
It's not just telling you where you can buy a leather saddle in New York.
The answer was the kind of leather saddle placed on Halagar's big, black stallion.
Here there is only one way to ride - with straight legs astride a heavy leather saddle.
A leather saddle would be quickly eaten away by repeated submersion in the salt water.
Set just below the thick neck and above the shoulders that anchored the wings was a blue leather saddle.