Taking down the leather-bound Bible from the shelf, she quickly fanned through the pages, but found nothing.
Pivoting away, she tucked the precious drawing in the old, leather-bound Bible.
He took a leather-bound Bible out of his desk and a tin star.
On the nightstand next to the bed were a set of false teeth in a glass and a large, leather-bound Bible.
Took strange pleasure in the coarse, heavy feel of the robe, the large, leather-bound Bible he'd brought from home.
From under his shirt he pulled a small leather-bound Bible and placed it on my cot.
He was reading a leather-bound Bible, completely absorbed in whatever the verses had to tell him.
Then she placed the leather-bound Bible in the center of the largest circle and went to turn out the lights, like he said.
He bought a new black leather-bound Bible for his reading material in the army.
He stopped to reach over to his desk, pick up a leather-bound Bible, and rustle through its well-worn pages.