To his right was a service revolver placed on the desk next to a leather-bound copy of the Koran.
Duff picked up a leather-bound copy of Bleak House from the table beside the bed and tossed it into Sean's lap.
Most publishers were willing to print a leather-bound copy of a book for the right price.
Saran Wrap covers a leather-bound copy of The Prophet.
The binding and decoration of all the leather-bound copies were done by hand.
My producer sent me a leather-bound copy of the screenplay with a note that said, 'In any case, it is a good memory.'
Forcing herself to be patient, she took down a leather-bound copy of Grimms' Fairy Tales and opened the pages.
At home he had a bookshelf filled with a series of black leather-bound copies of Shakespeare's works.
Ramage could almost see the actual print in the leather-bound copy of theminutes of the trial, which was kept in the library at home.
Until 2009, the prize for the series winner was a leather-bound copy of the twenty-volume Oxford English Dictionary, worth £4,000.