Bill unfolded an arm and began to tick items off on the leathery fingers of his right hand.
There, he waved the comb in his leathery fingers, rolled back his lips, and loosed a series of high-pitched squawks.
He watched as the captain ticked off item number one on his leathery fingers.
He turned her face to one side, then the other, his leathery fingers warm on her skin.
The Librarian ripped the huge roll of film off the projector and pulled it through his leathery fingers, holding it up to the light.
One of three leathery fingers pointed to his stubby chest.
Gruntel pointed one of his three leathery fingers towards a distant domed peak.
A fat, leathery finger pointed at the quill still protruding from Traed's chest.
Bezner was holding one of Oliver's huge black, leathery fingers, which jutted out between the bars.
With his leathery fingers, he began plucking snails out of the muck, throwing them into his cap to show a visitor.