Now the dashing and mischievous 68-year-old with the square jaw and leathery good looks has made an improbable comeback.
She rose to meet Black, a tall and charming man with an actor's leathery good looks.
The rest of her tanned, round forehead had the leathery look of someone who spent a lot of time outside.
This leathery look may not show up until many years after you've had a tan or sunburn.
Exposure to the sun definitely ages your skin - and it can have even more devastating consequences beyond wrinkles, age spots and a leathery look.
But exactly what the sun does to cause a weathered, leathery look and premature wrinkling is a question that is only beginning to be answered.
Black tropical weave jeans with a leathery look finished the change.
He was, Keller had always joked, a candidate for that weather-beaten leathery look in old age.
To judge from Carnegie's hale and leathery look, he would probably be around for many years.
The drink had replaced some of the leathery look of her complexion with a healthier underpink.