He slashed at the lizard-man, the sword biting deeply into the leathery neck.
Liessa swings down the mounting ladder and lands with her legs locked around Lnolith's leathery neck.
She looked like a tortoise, leathery neck extended, toothless mouth snapping at the air.
The turtle extended his leathery neck and bobbed his head in the closest thing to being rambunctious as he could get.
It took no notice of Troi, apparently content to let the long-haired girl guide it with a hand on its leathery neck.
Around its leathery neck were chains of varnish and red wood.
As it came to a plunging halt, Holroyd saw for the first time the tufts of feathers on its ribbed, leathery neck.
Four men surrounded her, big, beefy farmers with leathery necks and cheeks flushed with the fever of alcohol.
She patted the base of Segani's long, leathery neck.
His head was stretched out on the leathery neck to its full length, and he glowered and blinked.