But it was only the following day, when we had long left Havana, that it really sank in.
This time, however, the helicopter, which has a maximum speed of about 150 knots, was spotted soon after it left Havana.
Ibrahim, with a wife and three children to support, left Havana in search of a new beginning.
The Hershey Train seemed like the most interesting way to leave Havana.
Crane finally left Havana and arrived in England on January 11, 1899.
If we had left Havana a day sooner, professor, we might have escaped this storm.
Our time machine was the bus which leaves Havana twice daily.
Then she left Havana and went to Uruguay in 1993.
The ship, which the wreckage indicates to be about 120 feet long, probably sank shortly after leaving Havana.
When I left Havana the immigration officer did not collect it.