Many centuries ago Prince Perep'yat left Kiev with his army to far places.
'the daring general replied: 'They'll not leave Kiev.
In December 1919 the family was forced to leave Kiev, which precipitated the Bolsheviks.
Tymoshenko was not arrested, but ordered not to leave Kiev while the inquiry was under way.
In 1850 he left Kiev and entered the seminary in Varniai.
He was freed in spring 1943 but was ordered not to leave Kiev and banned from conducting religious services.
His father left Kiev for Chicago in 1881 and worked first as a pharmacist and then a lawyer.
I heard some nonsense about radi- ation poisoning just before leaving Kiev.
The crew, which numbered 15 when the Bat'kivshchyna left Kiev in April, has mostly dispersed.
In 1942 the Capella made up of seventeen bandurists left Kiev for a tour of Germany.