He would leave Milwaukee after ten seasons, seven with over 50 wins.
The Nets eventually lost, but left Milwaukee feeling much better about themselves.
Whiten was not held by the police and was free to leave Milwaukee on $10,000 bail while the investigation continued.
To get clean, he left Milwaukee for five months of drug-abuse treatment.
He left Milwaukee in 1859, and later described himself with "has lived and worked in all the principal cities of the country."
When he left Milwaukee, he had averaged exactly 20 points per game in his 11 seasons with the team.
He has indicated that he does not particularly want to leave Milwaukee, and schoolchildren are writing letters pleading with him to stay.
It was the reason he left Milwaukee for Toronto.
The Beavers jumped out to a 16-0 halftime lead before leaving Milwaukee with a 29-0 victory.
The group of men left Milwaukee on May 26, 1837, and traveled for days in the rain.