But prosecutors asked the judge to consider the difficulties that survivors and relatives of the victims would face by having to leave Oklahoma.
Professor Hill declined to say whether she would leave Oklahoma if the regents rejected the endowment or refused to give it to her.
When the Okies left Oklahoma and moved to California, they raised the average intelligence level in both states.
Connie regrets leaving Oklahoma and storms off, never to return.
And then, for the first time in his life, thumb extended, Guffey left Oklahoma.
The franchise returned to New Orleans permanently for the 2007-08 season, leaving Oklahoma without a major team.
This left Oklahoma without passenger rail service until 1999.
Henever had any trouble remembering why he'd left Oklahoma; his allergies never failed to remind him, usually long before he crossed the state line.
Although leaving Oklahoma would be breaking parole, Tom decides it is a risk worth taking.
When they left Oklahoma, his father didn't leave entirely empty handed, Skipper recalled.