This left Sarajevo with inadequate reserves for a long siege and the Government forces poorly organized.
The army later gave permission for women, children under 18 and men over 60 to leave Sarajevo next week.
A convoy of 1,000 women and children will leave Sarajevo for Belgrade today.
It was only in June 1994, more than two years after the girls left Sarajevo, that their mother was able to see them again.
In the summer of 1994, Nedim was also faced with the choice of leaving Sarajevo.
They did not leave Sarajevo until 15 April.
A1 Serbs let many refugees leave Sarajevo after holding them hostage.
(The head of the Islamic community could not leave Sarajevo.)
Soon he had to leave Sarajevo in order to save his life.
Gorkić left Sarajevo eight months before his absence was noticed by the police.