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A young Jewish dissident and poet, Andrei Codrescu left Transylvania in 1965 when the Ceau cescu Government sold him to Israel for $10,000.
After his release from prison, Branković left Transylvania and moved to Bucharest, the capital of Wallachia, another vassal state of the Ottoman Empire.
Hungarian intellectuals were coerced into leaving Transylvania and were compelled to take jobs in non-Hungarian areas which also contributed to Romanianization.
Transylvanian Saxons started leaving Transylvania during and after WWII, settling first in Austria, then especially in Germany.
Although the knights had left Transylvania, the Saxon colonists remained, and the king allowed them to retain the rights and obligations included within the Diploma Andreanum of 1224.
In September 1612, Bethlen with fifty followers left Transylvania, not only to protect himself but also to forestall the accession of Ghiczy, whom he thought unqualified.
It was to be the first time I left Transylvania with one of my sons.
When he finished his studies, Slavici left Transylvania for Budapest, where he intended to study law.
With the help of Basta, they defeated Michael at the Battle of Mirăslău, forcing the prince to leave Transylvania together with his remaining loyal troops.
We leave Transylvania, stopping on the right bank of the Olt river at the Cozia monastery.