The budget must be approved by the end of this month, when all 120 legislators leave Trenton until November.
Hooper left Trenton, slightly over two weeks ago; Longstreth left Richmond just about one week ago.
The legislators are leaving Trenton without addressing New Jersey's ongoing financial problems.
Antheil, who took up the piano as a child, left Trenton for Berlin at age 22.
Mr. Pagel said he and the center's director would leave Trenton in the morning, hoping that the whale would be on its way downstream by then.
Since leaving Trenton, Lincoln has written several essays examining the school's flaws and the differences between the two communities, but not his moral dilemma.
Since leaving Trenton, Lincoln says time and distance have kept him from visiting the friends he made there.
James E. McGreevey, the former Democratic governor, left Trenton in disgrace last month.
A political unknown at the time of his appointment, he left Trenton and returned to private practice after Mr. Cahill failed to win another term.
Lula was sailing along with me in the purple Lincoln, riding shotgun, nosing through a big bag of food we bought before leaving Trenton.