Because she had heard those same words from Mac before they ever left Virginia.
The only solution to the whole sorry mess was to get out and leave poor Virginia to make what sense of it she could.
Finally, earlier this year, she left Virginia, selling nearly all her possessions.
By the time she'd left Virginia, the anger and the pain had taken them past the point of his asking her not to go.
She couldn't leave Virginia alone otherwise, not after the way she'd run out that morning.
For the first time since it left Virginia in 1952, all three of its flying squadrons were united on one base.
Later that year, he left Virginia and moved to what was to become Tennessee.
This increased opposition to his activities, and he was eventually forced to leave Virginia.
At age 19 he left Virginia and set out for the west.
Thinking of how it would be to leave Virginia made him sadder than he could tell.