At the same time, the breakdown of consensus has left art vulnerable to corruption by market pressures.
Despite its ministrations, she had just betrayed a friend to political enemies; she now had to leave art behind to assassinate a tyrant.
Leave art alone or at least these old battles to rest.
Leave art to those who can actually paint, draw and sculpt and stop being yet another gull fawning over this obviously fraudulent junk.
It's time to leave all this dead-end postmodern "borrowed art" behind.
They combined elements of history painting, photojournalism, advertising and the movies, increasing social awareness without leaving art behind.
I left such art to Elizabeth, who had a natural talent for it.
Without the estate tax, however, there is no financial incentive to leave art to charities.
In the spring of 1989, after four years in publishing and advertising as an art director, Lenz left commercial art to become a full-time fine artist.
From ground level they are all but invisible; from the sky they have an imaginative grandeur and whimsicality that leaves most other art looking earthbound (Cotter).