Moncrief left to coach at the collegiate level in 2005.
The administration waived the requirement for the other five countries, leaving their military aid at roughly the same level as in previous years.
If it is left completely at the level of the unconscious, most of us will muddle through its manifestations.
But the museum doesn't leave science fiction at the level of toys and hobby horses.
"Leave it at the state or the local level."
They argued that the extra money would be better spent on those programs and that it would still leave the agency's budget at the current level.
Ten minutes' sliding ride left us at the lowest level of the city, dose to its south border.
Ten years of continuous intervention price reductions have left it almost at the level of the world market price.
The enchantress, still clutching Mark tightly by the wrist, left the stair at the level of the castle where her own workroom was.
But must we leave it at the level of cells versus positrons?