The lawyer has simply vanished, leaving behind his livelihood, his family, investigators and chagrined bar officials.
Entering prison, he left behind his family, including his wife, Epainette, who survives him, still living in the small village where they raised their family.
He said he could move, but then he would be leaving behind his family.
One day Ayyu goes to the town, leaving behind his family.
He forfeited his $10,000 bail and left behind his family in Queens rather than serve his sentence of 3 1/2 to 7 years.
The thought of leaving behind my family, friends and cat never really fazed me; well, perhaps just my cat.
Ten years later she feels wistful for what she left behind: her family, electricity, indoor plumbing, the absence of loneliness.
The headmaster of the school expired suddenly, leaving behind his family in despair.
For example, the main character's mother left China, leaving behind her family and children.
At age 16 she moved to New York by herself, leaving behind her family.