Severe labor shortages last week left early-ripening crops rotting in the fields across the Northwest.
Why do the farmers normally leave the floodplain fields in permanent grass rather than rotating crops on them?
I'd left crops in my garden, and harvested no marsh grass for the pony's winter comfort.
Leave livestock, crops and machinery alone.
Residents left their homes and crops and sought safety in Parowan and other communities.
They needed water, yet it often betrayed them with angry tantrums that left their dams, ditches, and crops in chaos.
But each turn of the growing season also means leaving well-loved crops behind.
The excess nitrogen is left in the soil and available for other plants or later crops.
Many surviving rural people fled, leaving their fields and crops, and entire rural provinces are recorded as being totally depopulated.
Leave crops such as spring barley stubble untreated (no fertiliser, pesticide, or cultivation) until the end of the following March.