Many others see a raucous and disgusting horde that leaves droppings on cars, sidewalks and people.
He couldn't be that timid, as he left droppings whenever and wherever the urge hit him.
Some of these rabbits are entering people's homes, leaving droppings.
A mouse had passed this way an hour ago, leaving tiny droppings.
The geese can be especially taxing, for they snack on the island's mulberry trees, leaving purple droppings all over the place.
They leave droppings, but they never leave.
The pet will leave droppings around the screen from time to time, and can become sick if they are not cleaned up.
Though well fed on grain, the horse still liked to do for himself, and he was careful not to leave droppings where they would bother anyone.
This rabbit leaves characteristic pellet-like droppings atop moss-covered fallen logs throughout its territory.
"They leave droppings all over the place," Captain McCamy says.