The century could not be left leaderless while it waited for its commander to return, and the other centuries needed seasoned replacements.
He fled the field and his forces were left leaderless and compelled into ignominious surrender.
By 1607, they were left leaderless by the "Flight of the Earls."
Afraid they will never return and his people will be left leaderless, the old man offers a sacrifice to their god, Hadur-his war horse.
In some areas, inexperienced men, left leaderless, did not know exactly where they were or who was fighting on their flanks.
I do not know what made Cortes aware that something was happening to the army he had left leaderless.
In case of a preemptive strike, the miners would not be left leaderless.
They had not so much taken heart from the bowman's example, as they were afraid to be left leaderless.
However, the army had been left leaderless twice in less than a year, and the officers demanded Valentinian choose a co-ruler.
The natural sea creatures, killer whales and others who had been following Neptune's orders were left leaderless.