The government says he was leaving classified material for his Russian contacts.
The debate left little material for video editors to regale us with in 2000, should these two men meet again as Presidential candidates.
She stopped for a moment, then said sadly, "Even if the scholars had left material there, wouldn't the Wakers have destroyed it by now?"
Chlorine can leave organic material like trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids in the water.
This leaves dead yeast cells and other undesirable material at the bottom of the old vat.
Only two sculptors have left extensive written material detailing the practice of their art.
Reeve led a retired life, leaving very little biographical material.
Even for long features that can be cast it still leave much material to be machined.
Revolution leaves not fresh material and a cleared field for a new humane society, as the romantics willed to believe.
Meteorite impacts tend to sputter (knock out) ice from the surface, leaving dark non-ice material behind.