Another 41 people from various agencies were to leave today, leaving only essential officials behind.
Unfortunately, Congress left local officials too much discretion in carrying out the law.
He was the biggest catch thus far in the case, and his arrest left American officials elated.
It has also left officials wondering how to pay for couples too poor to afford the test.
This month eight cases more cases were reported in Virginia, leaving medical officials scratching their heads.
This potentially could drag on a while, leaving both the protesters and officials in limbo.
All of which has left officials in this otherwise civilized community scrambling to explain, and solve, "parking rage."
That has left Republican officials trying to play down the survey's results.
And he matter-of-factly concedes how little power "the system" leaves elected officials.
B1 A homeless man was offered $150,000 to leave officials of a New Jersey town alone.