The king allowed him to leave on the condition that he return in one year.
When he died, Brooks left Hazel to his nephew, on the condition that any money raised from displaying her be donated to charity.
It was built with $10,000 left to the village for the purpose by a local bank president, on the condition that matching funds be raised.
She leaves on the condition that when he dies she will come back and bury him.
Kalyani decides that she won't leave Mehta house on the condition that they will never talk to each other.
Because if it is - ' 'It agreed to leave us on the condition that we delivered it to you,' I explained.
He then left Beirut for further treatment in Sydney, on the condition he'd return to Nejmeh after an agreed six-week period.
The home was left on the condition that his housekeeper be allowed to live there for the rest of her life.
Bodie ridicules Namond's academic abilities but allows him to leave on the condition that he work extra hours the following day.
The Reids, being childless, left their home to Scotland on the condition that it should be preserved unchanged.