By this time it became clear that Toyah gets all the attention from the press leaving her colleagues in shadows.
He left his colleagues to face public reactions to the fairy controversy.
He said that if lawmakers with safe seats quit the House, that could "leave their colleagues very much in the lurch."
Charles checked his watch and waited a moment before leaving his colleagues to begin a heated discussion about entry into the Common Market.
The isolation left Dr. Moore and his colleagues with few allies within the university who had a stake in raising funds.
In the process, they left their former colleagues publicly struggling to retain Creative Artists' dominance.
This, too, struck the teenager as being odd, considering that Emil would soon be leaving the ship and his colleagues forever.
All he could think, he said, was "I left my colleagues behind me."
Professor Lurd tries to make a quantum leap that leaves his colleagues with more than just their mouths open.
Dr. Perelman promptly disappeared, leaving his colleagues to connect the dots.