Where my namesake found ancient relics long forgotten by titans who had moved on, leaving their obsolete servants behind.
He had left his servants to themselves for a long while, perhaps too long; they needed to be reminded of his power over them.
Legend further has it that when Christianity first came to the Schwerin area a pagan god, who was worshiped at the site of the present Schwerin castle, fled leaving his servants, the spirits.
The air seemed to grow tight, like the skin of a soap bubble before it bursts, and as one the vampires disappeared, leaving only their human servants behind.
Leaving his servants outside, Fujiwara stepped into the room.
Leaving their servants and footmen to pitch the tents and prepare their camp, Raymond and Bishop Adhemar proceeded to Bohemond's enclave.
"Just better than drinking it out of the bottle," he suggested as he left his civil servants to go to the hospital.
Get thee gone to those who need thee, and leave me my servants.
Though transportation out of the city was available to her and her daughter, she decided to stay in Weimar as she didn't want to leave her servants to their own luck.
"I think it's useful for everyone to see that the Keeper of Earth does not leave her servants without power," said Shedemei.