But he has not visited since, leaving his supporters to wonder if he has given up on the state.
While Fox was speaking he got up and hobbled from the House, thus leaving his supporters without a leader.
Ani is forced to flee and leave behind Falada and her remaining supporters.
This, in turn, may leave their supporters feeling shut out of and uninterested in participating in the political process.
Parker immediately re-assigned all the committees, leaving Ward's supporters primarily in charge of cemetery issues.
Translating them into policies could leave even his most enthusiastic supporters feeling betrayed.
Moscow also seems determined to avoid leaving its supporters to face massacre by the guerrillas.
The Democrats left their traditional supporters - working people -with little except promises to raise their taxes.
Or, rather than exposing Bush, will he just drop out and fade into the sunset leaving his supporters in the lurch?
By the time Ms. Maines made her statement in 2003, many were already questioning the trio's commitment: would they leave their old supporters behind?