Additionally, the department was home to pre-Columbian civilizations that have left stunning remnants of their once great culture.
He is always careful not to leave remnants of his presence out in the world.
Apart from repairing the islands' fortifications, the Ottomans left few lasting remnants of their rule.
The previous owner had left remnants of her former life in her bag.
And you have a point about leaving remnants in our rear.
In autumn 2011, the western wall was dismantled, leaving remnants of only three walls with an open view to the sea.
He ripped his shirt off in pieces, leaving remnants of the sleeves on his arms.
The taunt shredded whatever remnants of self-control Richard had left.
This fire left only the foundation and remnants of the building.
Lancer surged and burned a hole through this one, leaving fiery remnants.