They often had no spare time or energy left to feed and take care of their dogs.
Individuals may leave one company to take up employment with another and take sensitive information with them.
Even if Ewing had made it, the Bulls would have had plenty of time left take a shot.
He has described his mother as a "beauty queen who left it all to stay at home and take care of her two sons."
But otherwise she rarely went outside, leaving Elissa to order the groceries and take care of her various needs.
And I've just asked him to leave to come home and take care of his aunt's dog!
I cannot leave him to visit or take him.
The driver rejected the women's offer to collect gas money among themselves and sped off, leaving them to walk or take cabs.
We leave you shortly to go back to our own camp and take our own counsel.
"So the supply of new space is in existing buildings and with the cupboard virtually bare the ones left take some imagination."