Asmara was left relatively undamaged throughout the war, as were the majority of highland regions.
Experts believe that the fuel rods, not visible in the clip, were left largely undamaged despite the disaster.
Passenger and goods traffic was temporarily moved to the road, which was left undamaged.
In addition the town was left undamaged and had to pay a ransom of a year's taxes in corn.
No building in the city was left undamaged.
The storm threatened a large amount of oil infrastructure that was left undamaged by Katrina.
Along the same street, Hindu shops were left undamaged.
Not one single building was left undamaged, not to mention the thousands who have lost their lives there.
While the town was left relatively undamaged, the port suffered extensive damage, recovering only in the early 1950s.
George Herbert and his son Alex are living in their house, left undamaged by the first invasion.