You mustn't express your feelings; they're true only if they're left unexpressed.
He was embarrassed to say such things aloud, but these feelings were too important to be left unexpressed.
The feelings one has after a technical rehearsal are better left unexpressed, since they are bound to be greatly exaggerated and mostly suicidal.
In a special, horrible sense, they have been assigned the role of spokesmen for what many white Americans would rather leave unexpressed.
Her face told of the lovely mysteries within her, left unexpressed.
These people had too many passions for life left unexpressed to simply pass on.
I do not have regrets that anything in my life with him, my life for him, was left unexpressed.
Your father has ideas I don't agree with . . .that are best left unexpressed.
"Lorenzo's Oil" happens to be a fine film, but it is also extremely harrowing, a thought best left unexpressed by those seeking to emphasize good cheer.
Long before he took up boxing he had learned that fear and doubt were emotions best left unexpressed.