The major events especially those that revolved around the first Republic, cannot be left unmentioned.
Of course, today we're inclined to want all the scandalous details that a Victorian audience preferred to leave unmentioned.
Another area of his services that cannot be left unmentioned is the translation of literature into Sinhala.
The harrowing results of this disease may be left unmentioned.
He prefers to leave unmentioned the other playwrights whose works he has directed.
No detail was left unmentioned, except the precise nature of the wounds, insofar as they could be determined.
I have left unmentioned until now the daguerreotype's other principal role, namely as a purveyor of pornography.
What had been left unmentioned was the question of testing the result.
Left carefully unmentioned were the consequences of an regional battle over dwindling water resources.
He had the kind of past best left unmentioned.