He was a leading figure in the French Left from the 1930s until his death in 1988.
For nearly 10 years he helped maintain what was left of farmstead until his father's death, in October 1955.
He was affected by the time he went to bed following dinner and the symptoms never left him until his death.
She was left entirely to her own devices for the last 30 years of her life, until her death in 1995.
Covilhã was well treated, but was not allowed to leave the country until his death.
The little girls were left here with their governess until their stepmother's death.
Doubleday left in 1904, leaving Page as sole general editor until his death in 1934.
A stroke in 1993 left her bedridden until her death at the end of 1999.
He left namely for that time as judge of the Navy School from 1892 until his death in 1899.
She retired to her bedroom and never left until her death, a decade later.